Charlotte is not really one that I would criticize, mainly because it is just like criticizing myself which would just be absolutely retarded. Although, when some people don't know her as well as her closest friends (me being one of the closest friends, naturally), they tend to skew and misconceive her personality. She comes off as a socially distant asshole quite often when I walk up to her expecting to enjoy a casual, sexy conversation and instead she bitches to me and acts like she does not have enough spare time to waste it on me.
First of all, what she really does not realize is the fact that there is ALWAYS time to spend on me, and that is just a fact. Second of all, to people other than me, it seems as though her personality and outlook is always in this bitchy tone. The thing is, it really is not, Charlotte just has to be in the right mood to show her true kinky colors. I know this because I am exactly the same way. It really sucks when other people just assume someone is not fabulous because you happen to catch them at a bad time. None the less, she does piss me off when she is not in the mood to talk to me (quite often in school).
I try to remember that I am the type of person that somebody has to be in the mood to deal with. I think its just because of how lively, critical and kinky I am which does make me a simply wonderful person, only it has to be in the right doses otherwise I am overwhelming. I think that is how Charlotte feels, at least, and I could be wrong but I'm usually not. Charlotte just has priorities and enjoys focusing on whatever is at the top of her mind. Once a task is finished, she picks up another one. This can mean talking to people one at a time having in depth conversations or just doing homework from different classes, it applies to everything. I think she doesn't want to have too much on her plate at once, which is reasonable I guess. I'm just the type of person who likes packing as much fabulousness on to my plate of life as possible so its difficult for me to understand.
There is also the factor of Charlotte's latest crush, who happens to be morbidly hideous. I have told her what I think of him (just in a nicer way than how I just described him). He is greasy land does not have ANY personality or sense of humor to speak of which basically makes him a lifeless pile of poop in my eyes. None the less, Charlotte has become attached to him, and who am I to say no? I'll deal with it for now and hope she gets over it soon. I just want to be a part of her life as much as possible and this new lover is stealing my piece of the pie. Let me tell you something, nobody takes Mr Bitch's pie and lives to tell the tale.
I saw Charlotte and her lover dancing at a party tonight (if you call what they were doing 'dancing'). So I walk in into the party while they are dancing and Charlotte acts as though I don't even exist despite the fact that I waved at her. She just went on dancing back and forth, lost in some sort of orgasmic bliss with her new lover. They were really just swaying back and forth, as if the guy was trying to grind with her but he was too absolutely moronic to know how to do it properly. It just ended up looking like a pretty girl was dancing with a guy who had down's syndrome and was drooling on himself while he wiggled around like an epileptic person having a seizure. This is just an example of how she ignores me sometimes, and it really makes me fume with anger. I can't even control it. I think I am too overprotective of her and just want to know how she is doing an talk to her all the time. That would explain why I hate her loving this new disgusting guy. But I cant really help being overprotective cause me and her are the best together and I want to preserve that.
Me and Suzan have had conversations about Charlottes lovers many times. Charlotte really does have strange taste in men, unfortunatley. The thing is, so do I but I'm not writing this to be critical of myself so I won't get into that for now. Thank god I have Suzan to discuss Charlottes faults, because usually its me and Charlotte discussing other peoples faults. But when Charlotte is the one at fault, who am I to go to? Thats why Suzan is so important (well there are millions of other reasons why but this is one of them). Let me just say that Charlotte is more or less just as flawless as I am, its just the prioritizing that angers my need for constant attention from her. But if she has more important things than me in her life at some of the moments I come up to talk to her, I understand. I'm pretty sure I would love Charlotte no matter what she did (because she is so similar to me that I don't have to worry about her doing something to sacrifice her fabulousness)
Susan just always has time and won't leave you pissed off by acting as though you are inferior to her plans like Charlotte does sometimes, and thats part of her wonderfulness. I suppose we all have that one person who will be understanding of our disgust with other peoples behavior, thank god we all have someone to bitch with, and if you dont then you should probably kill yourself or something cause life wont be very worth living. Whatever, we all have our priorities and Charlotte is not any different.
The simply lovely
-Mr Bitch
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