I get way to worked up over certain things, Susan knows just how to make me flip a shit and she loves doing it. It almost makes me feel vulnerable to her. But then again, I have the same mystical power of hitting just the right nerve to annoy her.
When we annoy each other, its always in a playful context (well, it better be because if not ill be pissed, and I can guarantee that there is no one on this planet that would live to see pissed and live to tell the tale). Anyway, I guess it is part of what makes me and Susan so sexy and unique. She still wont admit that me and her are better than most people and it REALLY pisses me off, because if there is one thing in this world that I absolutely loathe, its modesty. If there were one value that I could banish from the face of this earth, it would be modesty, the thought of it just makes me cringe with displeasure. Its clearly not just me because Charlotte absolutely agrees with me so that validates my opinion.
The one thing that Susan doesnt realize is that when she tells me things, a part of me believes them and it is shocking because I know that its not true, but I am to self conscious to be sure. Not to say that me and Susan arent amazing, we are either arguing, or jovially discussing something that has to do with intense love making and I absolutely love it. Susan just fills me with so many conflicting emotions that I have to love her fabulousness (and by her I mean me and her because whenever the word fabulousness is involved, I always share a hefty chunk of it). Susan just doesnt ever let me have it all; I cant ever not be a little annoyed nor can I ever not be absolutely smitten with how fabulous we both are. So heres to my extremely kinky love biscuit Susan;......oh Susan, you slay me. (and I do the same to her because, well, Im just wonderful)
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