So I spent a large portion of Halloween night at Charlottes house and, of course, the second I walk in, I see Charlotte and Jeffery at the table eating. My first instinct was to simply throw up or something in order to display my great displeasure in seeing them together. It really sucks thinking someone is so nasty while still being overjoyed about how happy your friend is.
I walked over to the table and begrudgingly sat down at the table with a smile on my face that made me look like I had just caught a wiff of cow shit and was attempting to make it seem as though I didnt smell anything. We made small talk, and all of a sudden I realized that Jeffery realy doesnt suck as much as I thought he did (of course, i was thinking of him out of the context of being Charlottes lover). I found out that he actually can be social, unfortunatley he acts like a mindless dick unless he is around someone he knows well like Charlotte when you meet him. It was actually quite entertaining having a conversation with him. Im pretty sure Charlotte's presence was the only thing giving the guy the incentive to socialize, he was probably popping a huge boner underneath the table just looking at her.
What I do have to say is that I still unconditionally hate him because of how he is Charlottes lover, but I like him at the same time. I wish I could just say I hate him, but I cant because Charlotte loves him and he actually acts like a normal human when he is around Charlotte and not just a human shaped turd.
Ive been pissed off at Karen's perception regarding my opinion of Jeffery. She just doesnt understand why I hate him. He really is disgusting, but she thinks that I despise him in spite of the fact that Charlotte likes him, which I dont. I ALWAYS support Charlotte, but I am not going to act like a mindless ass and not let anyone now my opinion. Like I have mentiond MANY times before; Charlottes happiness is everything to me, and therefore I support her relationship even though I HATE her nasty little lover. Karen just doesnt get that I can care about Charlotte while still hating her lover and it really makes me want to bitch out on her (but i'll control myself because I love Karen and just because she misunderstands one thing doesnty invalidate my friendship with her. THANK GOD I have Susans opinion to validate my feelings for Jeffery, otherwise I might just weep because of how no one would realize how vile that creature is.
On the other hand, I have yet to hear about the outcome of Charlottes steamy Halloween outing with Jeffery and I REALLY want to know how it went. Specially because I want my sweater back so I can start washing it 100 times, but also because I want to know if there was any love making (and trust me, I wouldnt put it past Charlotte for there to be any love making). Just talking about me and Charlotte reminds me of how we are just the best, so I felt like saying that. But anyway, this is REALLY exciting because Charlotte has wanted to begin the precursers to love making desparately, but all Jeffery has been doing is sitting there like a mindless jellyfish while she awaits him to make the first move towards a long spicy love making session. Perhaps I should befriend Jeffery and prompt him to scurry down sexy path of sexiness so that Charlotte could actually get something hot out of this whole relationship. I wont do anything without consulting Charlotte first (plus I really dont want to associate with Jeffery so hopefully it doesnt come down to me befriending him).
While I was at Charlottes house Gretchen, Susan, Karen, Jeffery and Mrs Sweetcheeks were all there at once, so let me tell you, that house was bursting at the seams with sexiness (You could actually probably see the sexiness seeping out the windows and doors of the house). It should be illegal for that many sexy people to be together at once. It really reminded me of how fabulous we all are (minus Jeffery because he sort of had a negative impact on the sexy factor). Me, Gretchen and Charlotte rarely get to be together anymore (if at all) and it was really spicy to have us all back together for a little while. I love the holidays, there is always the scent of orgasmic love making in the air, (plus the scent and aura of sexiness that me and Charlotte provide year round). Believe me, more spiciness has yet to come, from now till christmas I will have plenty to bitch and be sexy about.